Simply access your Video Manager, select a video and go to the Thumbnail tab.

Here are a few tips for creating a successful thumbnail:
- Consider adding your branding, like your username or logo.
- Any text, logos or superimposed images cannot be larger than 1/3 of the thumbnail.
- Actions and scenes portrayed in the thumbnail MUST appear in the video. Example, if the thumbnail image shows a blowjob, there must be a blowjob scene in the video.
- Thumbnails should visually represent the title and accurately portray the story of your video. You don't want to mislead users. You want to give them a sneak peek of what they can expect when they click on it. This will encourage viewers to give your video a good rating and increase its chance of getting featured on the homepage.
- Things to consider when picking an image: good eye contact, strong facial expression and emotions, captivating shot and angle of body part, bright background with strong contrast.
- Be consistent with the style of your thumbnails. This will help make your profile look well-curated, on brand, and professional.
- Analyze your videos that did best and see if there are similarities between the thumbnails.
- Make sure not to add text that is unrelated to the video content or designed specifically to look like “click bait”. Adding words like “top video”, “top rated”, or “recommended” are all examples of click bait text.
- Descriptive words that accurately describe the video are ok so long as they are not deceptive. For example, "compilation", or “full scene” are allowed.
- Do not add text that is unrelated to the video. Text must describe the actions, persons or themes displayed in the video.
- Avoid fake or deceptive elements like brand colors on text, play buttons, or arrows.
- Do not include borders on thumbnails.
Example of a rejected thumbnail:

Example of an acceptable thumbnail:

Access to this feature may be removed at any time and without prior notice if the uploader does not adhere to the rules above or if Pornhub finds the usage to be outside the spirit of the tool's purpose.
If you're not seeing the option, contact Model support to have it enabled on your account.