Gather around models, we have some big news!
You gave us your feedback and we heard you loud and clear; we are happy to announce that you can now delete your free videos on Pornhub and not just paid and fan-only videos without contacting model support. Simply click on your profile photo and scroll down to “Video Manager.” You’ll notice there is now a little garbage can symbol next to “Edit” alongside each video.
Once you click “delete,” you’ll get a pop-up message to confirm whether or not this is what you’d like to do because once you delete a video from Pornhub, it’s permanent and irreversible, meaning you cannot upload that video or a duplicate of it again.
It’s important to understand that uploading a duplicate of a deleted video is not allowed under any circumstance. If this is something you’d like to do without being penalized or risk losing your account, be sure to contact Model Support first for approval and help.
Another great option if you’re not sure you want to share your video with the public is to set your video as “Unlisted,” meaning only people with the link to the video are able to view it. On your “Video Manager” page, scroll to where is says “Public” under the video title and select “Unlisted.” Note that it could take up to 24 hours for it to take effect.
If you have any questions about the new feature, feel free to comment below!
