The sweetest voice in the industry belongs to Lele.
So sweet, in fact, that it's been tapped for multiple ASMR projects, and even for musical compositions. She has also recently launched an audio-only porn site, which is one of the first of its kind.
But there's more on her mind than that. She shared her thoughts with me on what takes homemade content from good to great, the most important question to ask yourself before you get naked on camera, and how to show your soul through your content.
How did you get involved in the industry?
I actually was single and pissed at men, to be honest. And I was thinking, "Well, my orgasms are pretty amazing, so maybe I should start to record them and put them on Pornhub," because I was using Pornhub a lot as it were. I was watching porn a lot. So I started recording myself. At first it was really for fun, I talked to people, I met a few guys. I'm not meeting them in real life but just, you know, we talked a lot and we exchanged sexts.
And then some people talked to me about camming, so I did my first cam session. People talked to me about ASMR and jerk-off instructions and I thought, "Yeah, maybe I should do that too." I thought I would earn maybe $50. You know, it was really for fun. And then things got big when I got featured, my first video. And I've had a French blog, Le Tag Parfait, I don't know if you've heard of them. They made one article about me and then it got just wild for me. It was a crazy thing, so here I am now.
So it started as just for fun and kind of took off on its own.
Yeah, definitely. I never filmed myself before this first video and never took any pictures of myself like that. And then I decided to have an Instagram, a Twitter because I was just following the fad. But, you know, I didn't really know what I was doing at that time.
You recently did a shoot with Leolulu. What was that like?
It was actually weird, to be honest, because we both realized we're not performers, we're just amateurs and we do our own shit. You know, it's our sexuality and this became a different level when we involve each other together. So that was a great experience because we really like each other, and meeting them was a nice thing. We have the same path and that was reassuring in a way because we're kind of pioneers in this; we just feel alone sometimes, we don't know what to do. So it was nice to meet them.
I'm glad we made this video, but I saw the limits of porn. I don't want to see myself as a performer now.
How do you think the French or European porn market differs from the American market?
I don't know, I think in France, in Europe, we have this kind of indie content - maybe more artistic. I wouldn't say we're better, I think it's just a bit different because we don't have the same culture. Maybe it touches me more because I'm in this culture, but still I think content is missing a bit of emotion worldwide.
I think it's something that people look for, the customers, but still there is not so many offering it.
So it's a little more artistic, more of an independent vibe rather than really high production. Do you have a favorite type of video or category that you like to film?
To be honest, I love the tributes that I make because it's easy. But my favorite, really, it's when I make JOIs. I'm having fun doing them and I love putting myself in the man's position, thinking like a man and wondering what they would like to hear or see. This is what I like the most because that's when I get creative. It has nothing to do with my sexuality. It's more about to create something and make people horny.
What do you think makes a good JOI video? What's the difference between a good one and a bad one?
The acting. I think if you're a bad actress, just don't act.
I tried to really improvise everything which is when I record myself. Sometimes I make mistakes and I had to refilm again because I didn't plug in the microphone. And it's never as good as the first shot.
So I think a good JOI is about improvisation and just putting yourself in the other person's mind. You know, just try to think, "What do they want to see?" And not just be an actress.
So it really comes down to getting in the mindset of your customer, in the mindset of a role.

If you weren't making adult content, what would you be doing with your life?
I don't know. I'm very happy with that. I have another job, but I don't want to talk about it because of privacy. But I know that right now, I wouldn't do anything else. I can't even picture myself doing anything else because it's been so crazy and so wonderful. I dream about nothing else. I'm just living the dream right now.
I'm waking up every morning and I'm like, "Okay, you know, so now I'm making money doing nothing, basically. And then maybe if I feel like it, I'm gonna touch myself and feel myself and get more money." It's so cool.
Every time I talk to models they always say the same thing. They say, "We have the best job in the world." And I think they're probably right.
There's no pressure. You're so free. You have no boss and you've got love from your fans. I'm very lucky because I have many respectful followers and fans. I'm very lucky because they're respectful.
So every day I get my drugs - love is my drug. So every day I get it and then I can just chill or do something creative. It's perfect. So much pressure, but good pressure.
Do you have any other creative outlets? Do you make music or paint or anything like that?
No. I've been looking for my art all my life, and I was wondering, "Damn, what am I supposed to do?" But in my real life, I never make any sexy pictures, really, and what I love most is my Instagram and doing sexy pictures of myself - not having to be my real person, but I can be this Lele thing and I love it.
This is my art. I have nothing else I do.
Do you think you will ever transition out of the industry?
I don't think I will ever get out of sexuality, because it’s really something that amazes me. So maybe I would become a psychiatrist and will specialize in sexuality or something like this.
I think once you settle down, maybe you get out of the porn industry. I'll get old, and I don't wanna be a MILF.
I think that, in positions like counseling or psychiatry, there's a real need for people who understand what sex work is like and have been through it.
I don’t consider myself a sex worker, because I don't have sex with people that I don't know, and I don't get paid for sex. I don't define myself like that. But I think still I know myself well, and I'm always wondering, "Are you still okay to show your pussy to a million people? Are you still okay with that?" And I am, so that's cool. But it involves my sexuality and it involves my brain, so I think in this way I can understand other women, and men too, because I talk to so many men.
And now I think, yes, I can have a role in sexual education or counseling.
You're almost at 10 million views on Pornhub. Why do you think you've been so successful?
You know what, yesterday I was really sad and I talked to my friend and I was like, "Fuck, my emotions are just so crazy." And when I'm happy, I'm 1000% happy, when I'm sad, I'm 1000% sad.
And she said, "You know what, if you didn't have these emotions, you wouldn't be so successful in what you do." And I think she's right. I think it's because I just don't hide my emotions and I'm trying not to be an actress – when I’m shooting videos, it’s real.
So I think people can feel it. I'm using my brain also - I was trying to reach people's brains, which sometimes people tend to forget that they have brains and they think about their penis. So I think just the mix of touching the brain and the emotions I guess.
People can feel the authenticity of it.
Because I am authentic.
Can you tell me a little bit about what equipment you use? So cameras, lighting, anything like that?
Yeah, I'm using an iPhone 7 Plus for the past six months, but before it was just my shitty MacBook camera. I have a ring light which is really bright for the night, it's really nice. And I'm using Final Cut for editing. And I have a Yeti, the microphone.
Is there anything you wish you had known when you first started modeling?
I just wish I had an assistant! [Laughs] It's been so overwhelming sometimes. But now I'm so happy, because I see all these models popping up now, and it feels like they know all about the industry. But they don't have my authenticity and I'm very proud of that, going from bottom to - not the top, but just to where I am now.
So I'm happy about it and I would do it exactly the same. I'm proud that I learned all the way through and it got me to other people, that's how I met Leo and Lulu and that's how I've met people from Le Tag Parfait.
I'm happy I didn't know everything before.

You recently contributed to a music album by VPC. Tell me how that came to be, and what that experience was like.
He just came to me on Twitter. And he was like, "Oh, by the way, I used your voice." Many people did that. I’ve had three songs already with my voice!
That's so cool.
I didn’t even have to do anything. They took my voice and they did it, and I'm just happy about it. I gave it to them. I don't ask for anything because as I said, I was in my bed after it so all these things happening to me, I'm so glad, it's so cool. I can help other artists to be creative. I give them my voice.
What can your fans do to support you and other models?
Show some love and not be dickheads, asking for more. Because they always ask for more and it's pissing me off - you do an English video and they're like, "Do it in French." Just be happy with what we give you for free and if you’re willing to pay, then you can say something.
But yeah, just try not to be dickheads.
I think that's good advice for everybody, no matter what. Are you selling content on Modelhub right now?
Yeah, I do!
How is that going for you?
Pretty good. I'm happy because I didn't make that much content in a few months and I still have some money. So it's pretty cool.
What changes would you like to see in the adult industry this year?
I would love to see more authenticity and just people putting out their souls. I think people here they come because they see us, and they're like, "Oh, yeah, that's easy money. Let's do that. Let's just record ourselves touching each other or whatever."
I think it's becoming something unhealthy - with humans, if there's something working like, there's so many people rushing to it. So now, Pornhub is the El Dorado, and I think I just want more authenticity. If you want to do something, just do it with your heart, your soul. Stop trying to just make it because it works and it's going to bring you money.
Would you ever consider working with a professional studio?
Never ever. I'm gonna have my own little show in a TV channel that I'm proud of, in France. So that's really cool. It's four minutes of me, but I'm alone, and you won't see my face. It's even better than filming in my room, because I do my things and then people edit it for me - it's really great. But I'll never be involved with anyone else. I don't wanna do that.
I did a porno once, but I was with my boyfriend and it was audio so it's okay because there is no image of it.
But yeah - never.
How important is social media for you in terms of marketing?
It's becoming a freaking addiction. That sucks. It’s very addictive but it's important, I know that. Especially Instagram, which is a bitch for us because my first account was deleted. And my life ended right there like, "Oh, my God, all these for nothing." I was a mess that day when they deleted it. So now I have a new account, I have to be private, but I know that it brings money. So it's very important.

What other ways do you market your content besides social media?
I don't know actually, I don't have anything. I used to go on many websites, you know, ManyVids and stuff, but I don't go anymore. I just put my videos there and then I wait for them to be sold. But I don't really advertise anything. Now I'm just using Instagram and Twitter, I have nothing else. I don't have my own website, so this is the way I do it. And I kind of forgot that Pornhub has a profile, the stream where I can post things - I kind of forget about it, but I try to put some stuff more and more. But for now, Twitter and Instagram, really, thanks to them.
Well, you're doing okay either way. Do you have any advice for models who are just starting out?
Show us your soul. Just show your soul. And never forget to ask yourself, "Will I regret this?" Because when you start it, it's easy when people love you. It's easy when people give you attention. But at some point, they're gonna forget about you.
Just don't lose yourself. Don't go too hard. I know at the beginning, I was working, it was really nice. You know, you go on cam and you just take a shower for 60 bucks and you're just like, "Wow, that's good work."
And three months later you're getting 60 bucks to put a dildo in your ass or whatever, which I never did but that's how it works. You're new, you get money, but then people just get bored. And I think if you don't put your soul in it, like I did, they will get bored quicker. If you want to make more money, you're going to start doing bad shit for yourself. So if you love it, if you love to do hardcore things, do them. But just think. And treat yourself right.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about, any upcoming projects?
Yeah. Well, but there is this TV show definitely every month on French TV. It's the oldest TV show in this channel and it's the oldest porn TV show in France. I'm so proud - it's an institution. Of course, it's not like Pornhub, there's not so much traffic but it's so cool and I'm happy about that. And I'm opening a women's website, a website for women. Only about audio porn.
[Ed. Note - Lele's audio porn website has launched - visit now:]
Thanks again to Lele for showing us her soul, through her content and her words.