Pornhub Authors: LuxuryGirl Banner
Pornhub Authors is an article series written by Pornhub Models, for Pornhub Models.
It's your chance for an inside look at the careers, and minds, of Pornhub Models.
For this edition, we're hearing from Kristina Sweet, a.k.a. LuxuryGirl. Read on for her story of intercontintental love, heartbreak, and sexual awakening.
Hello, my name is Kristina. I will tell you the story of how I have become a Pornhub model, and how Pornhub has changed my whole life in two months. Not so long ago, I lived in New York with my boyfriend and enjoyed my life there. Unfortunately, life sometimes brings undesirable changes: my boyfriend cheated on me. I have a very serious attitude towards cheating, since I believe that spiritual relationships are above sex. So if the loved one is cheating, I see no sense in saving such a relationship. Since nothing was keeping me in New York anymore, I was forced to move back to Russia.
When I came back home I faced a very difficult situation: I had no place to live. All the money I had, I spent on the plane ticket - so I couldn’t rent an apartment quickly. On the upside, I had a lot of friends back in Russia. One of my close friends, who I’ve known for many years, offered for me to live with him and I agreed. One Friday night he and I were drinking wine at home and I was pouring my heart out. I did not know what I wanted to do in Russia, or how to find a job quickly. Of course, I was also very upset about how the relationship with the man I had lived with for four years ended. There were more questions than answers.

After a long conversation, we decided to distract ourselves and randomly went to the Pornhub website. We watched several porn videos and started to discuss the filming of porn movies. We shared the view that porn actors are happy people, at least because they are confident and free to do whatever they want. Of course, like any other normal person, I had watched porn before. My favorite videos were the works of the Brazzers studio. I had heard about Pornhub before, but I had never gone to the website. I became interested in how the Pornhub website could collect so much free amateur content. I carefully examined the site and realized that Pornhub had the Model Program that was giving an opportunity to share videos and receive money for it. It suddenly occurred to me that I could try to record a video myself. Of course, I could start recording solo videos as many girls do (in fact, they do it very well), but I think that the most exciting thing about sex are the feelings between partners, and that is why I needed one for a video. Frankly speaking, I used to have a relationship with the friend who was hosting me, when I was younger. But we were teenagers back then, and that relationship was rather fleeting. Although, I think he was still in love with me at present. That is why I offered him a crazy idea at that moment, and he agreed without even thinking for a second. Wouldn’t you?
Our first video turned out to be very nerve-wracking. I had a feeling like I was having sex for the first time, everything was somehow new for me. The quality of the video left lots of room for improvement; we were making it with a phone and used a flashlight of a second phone as lighting. If you watch my first videos, you’ll see that the quality of them is different from what we film now. But, surprisingly, starting from the first two videos we began to receive positive reviews and comments from the viewers. It cheered us up a lot and I want to express my enormous gratitude towards all my followers for the nice words that they leave in comments and write to me in private messages. The support is very important, as you realize that you do it for a reason and that people like it and your videos bring positive emotions. We started to record more videos and work on the quality. After the first month of filming we bought a Canon M50, a microphone for it and a diode light set. By the way, I recommend this camera to all newcomers, because it’s not expensive and you can connect to it an external microphone (good sound quality is as important as a good picture). Also, this camera has a revolving screen that makes filming from the tripod much easier, and it also has optical stabilization which is indispensable when you film by hand.

Right now, it has been two months since I have started to record videos for Pornhub and I have changed my mind about a lot of things. For example, I have realized that Pornhub is something more than just a website with a big amount of content. First of all, it’s an international community of interesting and open people. In the very beginning I had a lot of questions about my work at the website. I was asking these questions to the models that had already succeeded and got tens and hundreds of millions of viewers. It was nice that almost everyone responded, shared their experience and wished me luck. I want to say thank you to Miss Banana, Madeincanarias, Danika & Steve Mori, DirtyLady, Leolulu, AprilEighteen, NoFaceGirl, Mini Diva. These guys have supported me and responded to my (sometimes stupid) questions, and shared their knowledge and experience. I have become a pen pal with some of them and I hope that soon I will meet them in person.
If you’re just starting to record videos or just thinking about it - please, do not be ashamed to write to those who have already succeeded. You can always write to me and I will share my knowledge and experience. I want to say thank you to Pornhub for gathering such a cool community - it’s very valuable.

Right now I’m doing well. I didn’t begin to look for an apartment, and stayed at my friend’s house. Over these two months he became more than just my friend. Now I can officially say that we have a relationship and I am very glad. We have great plans for the future: soon we are planning to move to New York because I believe it is an ideal place for me. I want to travel to Miami, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. I started courses of photography, and it means that my followers soon will see a lot of my new sexy photos. I stopped worrying about my past life, now I live enjoying every minute.
As for my wish to all of you who start or only think about starting to film porn videos. I want to say that everyone watches porn; there is nothing shameful about sex - it is normal and absolutely natural. However, you need to have sex from the heart, have sex with pleasure and desire. If you are just working on the camera it will be visible and you won’t be different from any other videos that studios are making. What makes amateur content unique is the feelings and it’s very arousing. So let’s film emotional sex which will bring positive emotions, health and happiness to our society. I kiss you all and wait for you on my page.