Ever wonder how our ranking systems work? What that number at the corner of your profile page actually means? And how to make your way up to that number-one spot? Keep on reading — we broke it down for you!
Pornstars and Amateur Models
Once you're on the homepage, click on the "Pornstars" tab. On this page, you can now see where you rank every month among Pornstars and Amateur Models alike. If you're a Model and would like to see where you stand compared specifically to other Models on the site, select "Amateur Models" (view in photo below). The same applies to Pornstars who would like to see where they rank among other Pornstars.

Model Rank
In case you haven’t noticed, if you're an Amateur Model, we added a new Model Rank at the top of your profile. If you scroll to it, you’ll see a breakdown of your weekly, monthly, last month, and yearly rank. (Update Oct. 28: You might notice that your rank has recently changed, it is now based on your performance excluding earnings.)
Pornstar Rank
If you're a Professional Model, meaning you've done studio work, you'll have a Pornstar Rank at the top of your profile page. Similar to Model Rank, the Pornstar Rank will be based on the performance of all your videos and other metrics, so you may notice changes to your Pornstar Rank in the following weeks. We'll be announcing it on Twitter (@PornhubHelp), so keep your eyes peeled!