Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! We know you love a little private time at the end of a long day on your favorite black and orange website, Pornhub. Of course, we wanted to see what’s going on behind the scenes on this special day!
Whether or not you are searching for it, “Daddy” is a search term that comes up often. Daddy refers to men who are muscular, in charge, and doing a good job of satisfying their partner. Similar in ways to MILF, people appear to have an interest in the authoritative figure.
So how did the term “Daddy” perform on Father’s Day? In 2022, searches for “Daddy” went up +22.3% compared to an average day. Not only that, but the figure remained at a higher percentage for a few days following Father’s Day as well.

Top Searches Containing Daddy
So “Daddy” saw some popularity on Father’s Day. No surprise here! But our data team didn’t stop there. They wanted to find out what the most popular search terms containing “Daddy” were. The top 5 search terms were, up first, “f**k me daddy” followed by “sugar daddy” in second. The third most popular term was “daddy dirty talk” followed by “daddy dom” and finally, “black daddy” in 5th.
We also found many terms involving vocal search terms, seemingly indicating a popularity among viewers who want to hear a verbal male authority figure.
Some of these verbal terms included, “call me daddy” as well as “verbal daddy” and finally, “dirty talk daddy.”

Terms That Grew On Father’s Day
Next, our data team examined daddy related terms, expanding on Father’s Day to include adjacent terms such as wives.
Unsurprisingly, the term, “happy fathers day” was at the top, with a +4,837% increase compared to average. Following that was another related term, “fathers day” with a +3,498% increase.
The next three top terms were “touch my wife” at a +595% increase, “f**ks married man” at a +509% increase, and finally, “mothers day” at a +292% increase.
There were also cuckold and related terms, including “husband shares wife” at +37%, “f**k my wife” at +33%, and “wife caught cheating” at +24%.

Traffic Changes on Father’s Day
The majority of visitors to Pornhub are male. So we knew before the data was pulled the traffic was going to be lower than normal.
Overall, traffic to Pornhub was down for the entire day. The dads of the world were evidently too busy to slip a little private time in!
A steady drop began around 5am. The biggest decrease we saw in traffic occurred at 2pm, with a drop of –11.7%. From 2pm onwards, that number started improving until about 8pm. However, the full 24 hours stayed in the negative.

Curious about that 2pm drop, our data team broke traffic down by male and female visitors to see how that number influenced the different genders. Turns out the female traffic was much lower at that time of day than the male traffic. A drop of –12.8% occurred in female traffic, while male traffic saw a decrease in about –9%. Around 4pm, we saw an equal number of –8.4%.
Around 11pm, female traffic started rising again, while male traffic remained below the –4% mark.

Demographics of Daddy Viewers
Who is most likely to search daddy terms? Our data team discovered women are +39% more likely to view it than men.
How did age influence these numbers? Much like the Mother’s Day Insights data, we found older age groups are more likely to view daddy porn, just like older age groups are more likely to view MILF porn.
People aged 45 to 54 are +11% more likely to view daddy porn than people aged 44 and under. There is an interesting jump in the age group 55-64, who are +38% more likely to view it. That number drops down again in the 65+ age group, at +11%.
Viewers between the age of 25 and 44 are –6% less likely to view daddy porn. And at its lowest, viewers aged 18-24 are –15% less likely to watch it.

When it came to the gay side of Pornhub, visitors were proportionately 12 times (+1185%) more likely to search for “daddy” porn than non-gay visitors. And on Father’s Day, “daddy” searches went up +28.4% on Pornhub Gay (compared to +22.3% on Pornhub).
We hope you enjoyed this special Father’s Day edition of Insights. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, stepdads, chosen dads and authoritative, verbal daddies of the world!